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In an optimal world, people have inspiration and time to create and debate visions. Here are some examples:

Overall vision:

  • Free beer and eternal life.
A part of an overall vision

High level vision:

  • Freedom: People don’t want to harm each other and their environment. They are tolerant, but they protect their and their communities’ own world.
  • Environment:  People are aware of the environmental impact of their activities. Their ecological footprint is minimized and offset by positive externalities.
  • Nutrition: People have access to meals that contain all important substances, including water, as frequently as required for their optimal body functions.
  • Utilities: People have access to facilities of drinking water, bathing, washing, and cooking.
  • Clothing: People have access to clean and wearable clothes that are sufficient to protect them from weather and other conditions, which could lead to diseases or injuries.
  • Home: People have access to a shelter that protects them from weather and other conditions, which could lead to diseases or injuries.
  • Safety: Physical injuries are prevented; people can protect themselves from mental anguish.
  • Healthcare: Diseases are prevented or detected as soon as possible; causes are uncovered and resolved before consequences become irreversible.
  • Transportation: People can travel from any points to any other points quickly and safely.
  • Wellbeing: People find a healthy balance in their diet, fitness, social life, relationship, ageing.
  • Education & Science: People have access to reliable knowledge in topics that they are interested in.
  • Culture: Arts and artists are respected as they inspire other people. They are not forced to do other things than what they are the best in to reach a good life quality. The time that people spend with cultural activities is an investment in themselves and their communities.
  • Work: People use their skills for value adding tasks in various projects for fair compensation.
  • Time management: Time pressure is minimized. Tasks are motivating and deadlines are rarely needed.
  • Communication:  Facts, ideas and opinions flow and are criticized freely in a system that enables people to keep their focus on things that they are interested in.
  • Motivation:  All your ideas and acts that help you or others to improve are respected and awarded.
  • Crime: Only harmful activities are criminalized. The priority is to prevent crime by eliminating motivation, rationalization, and opportunities. Victims are protected by detecting crime as soon as possible. When a criminal is found, first the crime is stopped, and negative impacts are offset (if possible). Then the criminal may voluntarily (but under pressure from the society) create positive externalities to repair the damages.  Finally, the criminal should be punished by imprisonment only if the above methods do not work – the number of criminals in prison should be minimal. However, a criminal should accept that his or her future activities are closely monitored by the authorities even after the punishment is over.
Commute to school in a science fiction vision

Science fiction vision:

  • Eternal youth.
  • Wireless electricity everywhere.
  • Teleportation.
  • Invisibility.
  • Time travel.
  • Intergalactic travel.
  • Perpetuum mobile.
  • Mind reading.
  • Space mining.

What’s your vision?


  1. Create a vision for one of your communities, or the humanity, etc.

Select the top three sci-fi ideas
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