Why would CoIn be more viable than other utopias (for example, Thomas More’s Utopia)?
Because it changes the world without changing people.
Why did smart people not invent this centuries ago?
Due to the lack of advanced information technology. Without affordable fast connection to a world wide web, widespread mobile devices, etc., ideas could not be shared, assessed, and implemented effectively and efficiently:
– Formal institutions had to be formed to collect the best ideas, select the people or entities best suited for assessing and implementing those ideas. Effectiveness was limited by the fact that only certain types of ideas could be tracked (for example, the ideas of selected, officially accepted experts of a field). Efficiency was limited by the robust processes, organizations, bureaucracy, which made opportunism and corruption tempting, and pushed creativity to serve the survival of the institutions themselves.
– Capital accumulation is crucial for the funding of major projects that accelerate economic development. When information flow was limited, it meant that having extremely rich people or corporations made investment decisions (therefore economic development) much faster. While globalization makes the inequality and social injustice caused by this even more visible, the success of crowdfunding, emerged with advanced information technology, shows that this may not be that critical anymore. Eventually, technology may resolve a major philosophic, economic, and moral concern around private property by enabling communities (rather than individuals) to effectively manage natural resources.
Is CoIn conservative / liberal / socialist / capitalist / left / right / progressive / libertarian / democrat / republican / populist / radical / centrist / globalist / environmentalist / religious etc.?
Kind of. All ideologies are based on at least one valuable idea, and CoIn learns the lessons: it respects the importance of traditions, freedom, solidarity, competition, equality, hierarchy, evolution, power of people, constant need for changes, stability, unity, harmony with nature, nations, you name it…
So, where is the catch?
Let’s find out!